RE: Daily Show’ gets own Web site!
posted by ElJefeGrande on 10/18/07 06:33PM
Just checked it out. I got all excited and registered as ElJefeGrande. I went through the entire process only to find no BB. WTF?!
Indeed, the bulletin boards went OFFline, when went ONline. Fortunately for fans, The Daily Show Dev Team is planning a new bulletin board that will feature improvements such as:
- More robust functionality
- More pleasant, intuitive user experience
- Improved graphic design
ETA for getting the new board online is undetermined at this time. But for now, please feel free to use this blog as a forum for interaction with the site creators, and other fans.
Hi guys !
I love the Daily Show but I seem to have a problem with the videos. They play me the publicity in a loop, without ever getting me to the precious comedy I'm here to see. I'm on Vista, is there something I have to dwnl or something ?
Thanks a million
Your new website is horrible!!! How is it that a great show like yours can hire such a crappy web designer??? The old site made sense, you log on, then the last week of shows plays. Now, no shows are available for 5 weeks back and before that it is random chaos at best. John, Help!!! I love your show, but it is weird to think I will have to wait 5 or six weeks to go by to see the current events that happened back then. Please fire your web designer and go back to a format that makes sense, one where I can actually watch your show.
well thats all well and good but in the meantime people can come to the "pub" we have set up...
and georgie boy... have you heard - there is a writers strike. There havent BEEN any new shows.
I like the new site, much clearer, get colbert on it too, the comedy central site is the most horrendous thing I've seen in years.
but... your videos don't work. I have exactly the same problem as mathieu, but I'm on a mac, so you can't blame windows. I even just reinstalled by adobe flash player, it just loops. Of course, the intro add works fine, its the show I can't see. you guys have a bug somewhere.
im annoyed i cant join cause for some reason my zip code doesnt work and i know its right (maybe cause im in canada?) and the videos only loop as sponser commercials WHY! anyway i love the show but the website sucks!
ps dont mean to insult but im getting really frustrated and angry sorry sorry sorry!!!!
You Beta video player stinks. Used to be I could pause the video, let it buffer, then play it straight through. Now it stops buffering when paused. This means the videos stop several times during play to buffer up! Come on guys! How long do we have to complain before you go back to the one that worked.
Hey, this isnt necesarily comedic material but i feel like the man in this vid deserves some recognition and i know your show gets thru to a lot of viewers whom may not know this mans ailment is as bad as it is. Just watch it, its 8 minutes well spent. thank you.
love the show watch here in newzealand on waiheke island....
i am the person who reads the pentagon guys are wishes tim.
Need to buy at least a 3 hour comp. DVD of Jon Stewart covering George Bush. His commentary about Bush are funnier than anything I can remember. Any information if Comedy Central will come out with a compliation of all his shows? Esp. ones covering G. Bush? Your web site is great. Where's the old aggregate board? Not just per video
Hey Daily Show site developers!
I'm totally new on the community but I have a really great idea that I want to tell Jon and the team about, but I have no clue how to contact them! Is there anyway to send an email to the writers of the show? Aw please please it's a great idea and i know they'll like it and will be able to develop into a full clip on john mccain's campaign. i'm not saying what the idea is just yet, but let's just say it involves dwarves, monuments, and managers!
peace, be, and love!
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